Get started with clean eating basics today.
What does clean eating really mean? Basically, it’s choosing nutrient-dense foods in their natural state rather than grabbing something processed. Clean eating doesn’t have to be hard, and it can be achieved even with tight budgets. Here are some do’s and don’ts that can help anyone get the ball rolling with clean eating.
Do read nutrition labels more thoroughly when going to the grocery store. If the label includes too many things you can’t pronounce, chances are there is probably a better alternative out there. Butylated hydroxyanisole can’t be that good for you. Stay away from added sugar and keep in mind a “low-fat” label does not always mean it’s a healthier option.
Don’t be fooled by packaging and marketing. If it says “Made with whole grains” it may only be made with 2% whole grains. Look for words such as “Made with 100% whole grains” rather than “Made with whole grains.” In addition look for “Certified Organic” rather than just “Organic.”
Do eat more produce. Find fruits and vegetables that you enjoy. Eating fruits and vegetables when they are in season will not only ensure they taste the best but also save on cost as well. Here’s a tool from Sustainable Table that will help you determine which foods are in season in your area.
Do embrace healthy fats. Healthy fats are an essential part of clean eating. Avocados, nuts and oil are just a few. Not all fats have to be bad for you, so educate yourself on which fats you should be eating. Here’s a website that will help you determine what fats are good and bad for you.
Don’t skip meals at home. Running through a fast food chain may be easier in the moment, but it can have lasting affects on your body. Even if you order a salad at most restaurants you can pretty much guarantee there are added chemicals, preservatives, excess sodium and other NON-Clean eating elements in the meal. We recommend packing your lunch everyday and eating dinners at home as much as possible. When you prepare your own meals, you can control what goes in them and what doesn’t.
It’s not always easy to start doing all of these things at once, so take baby steps. Pick something that is easy and works with your day to day life. As you add in other clean eating practices, your journey to feeling better, sleeping better, improved skin and all around better health will begin.