5 Ways Your Co-Worker Makes a Great Workout Buddy
Whether you’ve recently committed to health-ifying your lifestyle, or are already a workout rockstar, you may have heard that buddying up can improve your workout. Who better than a coworker to boost your fitness confidence, fun-factor, and determination? Plus, you may just make a new friend along the way!
1. Fitness buddies make it easy.
Having a workout buddy can make even the dullest workout inspiring. Whether you talk through the workout or serve as healthy competition for one another, time speeds up when you sweat with a buddy. You’ll be motivated to maintain a faster pace for a longer time, providing more happy endorphins– and results!
2. Hold each other accountable.
You can intend to workout all you want, but when you walk in your front door to toys sprawled across the floor or bills that need paid, you often push your workout to tomorrow. Working out with a coworker lets you get excited and pump each other up throughout the day. You’ll also hold each other accountable since you can…
3. Workout at the office.
Go for a lunchtime stroll or jog, or utilize the gym that your company provides to employees. Taking 30 minutes of your lunch to workout ensures that you get some activity in before you get home to tasks that may lead you astray from your workout.
4. Keep each other on track in the break room too.
Your workout regimen is easily sabotaged in the kitchen. From catered meetings to well-intentioned brownies left in the break room, the workplace can be rampant with unhealthy options. Help each other stay on track by packing lunches, sharing snacks, and encouraging each other to steer clear of the muffins and bagels.
5. Branch out and try new workouts.
Is your coworker into distance running, while you’re more into lifting weights? Combine your passions to get an all-around better workout. Mixing up your routine can help keep muscles guessing, leading to less risk for injury and faster muscle rebuilding. You may even get motivated to run a 5k or mini marathon with your coworker!
If you know a fellow employee is into fitness, or if you simply have a hunch you’d get along nicely, ask them to hit the gym and watch your workout satisfaction soar. A quick word of advice: be sure you leave work at the office and don’t let gossip leak into your sweat session. You’re both passionate about fitness, so bond over this and find new similarities to focus your conversations on!